Why the flag-raising ceremony is important for Indonesian students

Why the flag-raising ceremony is important for Indonesian students

For all of us in NationalHigh, the flag raising ceremony is a weekly occurrence and also an annual event we do on Indonesia's National Day. It usually starts with all of us singing the National Anthem (Indonesia Raya), afterwards reciting the Pancasila, which is the Indonesian Pledge. This ceremony is important to all of us, as a school and also as individuals. The flag-raising ceremony promotes patriotism and nationalism. It strengthen our love for our country as we watch in pride as the Indonesian flag rises to the sky.
When we sing the song, we also truly feel like Indonesians, even if some of us aren't Indonesians.

During the flag raising ceremonies, the ones who carry out the whole process are students. We are the ones who start the ceremony, conduct the music and recite the Pancasila for the rest of the school to follow. It is a good thing for us to carry out the ceremony so that we can learn how important it is. Also, it also teaches us discipline and leadership.

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