
Substansi dakwah Rasulullah SAW

A.Substansi dakwah Rasulullah SAW. Dapat dilihat melalui khutbah jum’at pertamanya, sebagai proklamasi berdirinya Negara Islam, Rasul telah menetapkan politik Negara, berdasarkan atas : 1. Al-adatul Insanyah ( perikemanusiaan ). 2. Asy-Syura ( demokrasi ).         3. Al-Wahdatul Islamiyah ( persatuan islam ). 4. Al-Ukhuwah Islamiyah ( persudaraan islam ). Selain itu, Dalam shalat Jumat itu rasulullah membacakan khutbah yang berisikan tahmid, salawat / salam, pesan bertaqwa, dan doa sejahtera bagi muslim/ mukmin. Substansi dakwah Rasulullah SAW. Yang lain , seperti meletakkan dasar- dasar politik ekonomi dan sosial untuk masyarakat islam. Selama beberapa minggu di Madinah, Rasul menelaah situasi, mempelajari keadaan politik, ekonomi sosial budaya dan lain- lainnya. Setelah itu beliau mengeluarkan ”dekrit” yang dalam sejarah budaya islam terkenal dengan nama ”shifa”, yang kemudian oleh ahli – ahli politik modern disebut ”Manifesto politik pertama dalam negara isl

Why the flag-raising ceremony is important for Indonesian students

Why the flag-raising ceremony is important for Indonesian students For all of us in NationalHigh, the flag raising ceremony is a weekly occurrence and also an annual event we do on Indonesia's National Day. It usually starts with all of us singing the National Anthem (Indonesia Raya), afterwards reciting the Pancasila, which is the Indonesian Pledge. This ceremony is important to all of us, as a school and also as individuals. The flag-raising ceremony promotes patriotism and nationalism. It strengthen our love for our country as we watch in pride as the Indonesian flag rises to the sky. When we sing the song, we also truly feel like Indonesians, even if some of us aren't Indonesians. During the flag raising ceremonies, the ones who carry out the whole process are students. We are the ones who start the ceremony, conduct the music and recite the Pancasila for the rest of the school to follow. It is a good thing for us to carry out the ceremony so that we can learn h

The positive effects of green schools

The positive effects of green schools 1. Cost/Energy Savings: “Daylighting” or daylit schools achieve energy cost reductions from 22 percent to 64 percent over typical schools. For example in North Carolina, a 125,000 square foot middle school that incorporates a well-integrated daylighting scheme is likely to save $40,000 per year compared to other schools not using daylighting. Studies on daylighting conclude that even excluding all of the productivity and health benefits, this makes sense from a financial investment standpoint. Daylighting also has a positive impact on student performance. One study of 2000 school buildings demonstrated a 20 percent faster learning rate in math and 25 percent faster learning rate in reading for students who attended school with increased daylight in the classroom. 2. Effects on Students: Students who attended the diorama presentation in Philadelphia expressed a number of ways how their green school changed personal behavior and attitudes.

Why the internet has negative effects for students?

Why the internet has negative effects for students? 1. No Face to Face Communication When students are very much indulged in the usage of internet, they might not be able to achieve face to face communication with the friends and the family. There are many instances where students talk to each other on Facebook the entire day and they are in front of each other in reality, they react like they do not even know each other. This is a great disadvantage of internet as this reduces face to face communication among the students. Even the family is ignored by such students and they tend to sit in front of their laptops or desktops the entire day. 2. Thinking Capacity Reduced These days, whenever teacher gives assignments to students, they tend to search it on the internet and copy down the facts. But, this is not the right thing to down. This would reduce their thinking capacity and they just cram the facts listed on the internet. This also makes students lazier. If this thing c

Why people in the world study English? Mengapa orang di dunia belajar bahasa Inggris?

Why people in the world study English? 1.      English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English! 2.      English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad. 3.      English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to meet and speak to.                         4.      English is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people around the world. 5.      English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you won’t need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows. 6.      English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in English – you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums

Organisasi Pemuda di Indonesia

Organisasi Pemuda di Indonesia Sejarah Awal Perkumpulan Organisasi Gerakan Pemuda Indonesia - Sejarah Pra Kemerdekaan RI Sebelum Indonesia merdeka, negara kita memiliki berbagai  organisasi kepemudaan yang beranggotakan para pemuda-pemudi  Indonesia baik yang bersifat nasional maupun kedaerahan. Berikut  ini adalah daftar beberapa organisasi perkumpulan pemuda di  Indonesia : 1.     Budi Utomo / Boedi Oetomo Budu Utomo berdiri pada tahun 1908 yang pada awal mula berdirinya merupakan organisasi pelajar yang ruang lingkupnya masih kedaerahan, namun pada perkembangannya berubah menjadi organisasi perkumpulan pemuda nasional. 2.      Trikoro Dharmo / Tri Koro Dharmo Trikoro Dharmo adalah sebuah perkumpulan pemuda yang berasal dari Jawa pada tahun 1915 di gedung kebangkitan nasional. Organisasi ini kemudian mengubah nama menjadi Jong Jawa pada kongres di Solo. Arti definisi / pengertian dari tri koro dharmo adalah Tiga Tuj

Peran Mahasiswa Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia. Mahasiswa dan Pendidikan di Indonesia

Peran Mahasiswa Untuk Pendidikan Indonesia             Di mata umat dan masyarakat pada umumnya, mahasiswa adalah agen perubahan sosial (agent of social change) karena mahasiswa selaku insan akademis, dipandang memiliki kekuatan intelektual yang lebih sehingga kepekaan dan nalar yang rasional diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata terhadap pembangunan pendidikan dan sosial dimasyarakat. Sehingga sudah menjadi konsekuensi terhadap tuntutan dari seorang mahasiswa untuk mampu mengoptimalkan potensi yang dimilikinya sebagai suatu kebutuhan pribadi dan masyarakat. Fungsi kontrol sosial yang dimiliki mahasiswa bagi pembangunan diharapkan mutlak demi kemajuan pembangunan. Pendidikan merupakan aspek paling penting pada sebuah peradaban bangsa.  Dengan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan berkarakter dapat dipastikan sebuah bangsa dapat mengoptimalkan pembangunannya. Masalah-masalah sosial seperti kemiskinan, pengangguran,  yang berimplikasi pada kelaparan dan masalah lainnya bukan t